
DSCN7369 (2)

The Austria Impact Group was launched on 8th November 2012 to connect people with an interest and knowledge in social impact analysis due to a need to discuss and disseminate knowledge on different topics concerning social impact (e.g. methods of impact analysis) in Austria. Emphasis is placed on getting people together from different institutional backgrounds. The group is led by NPO Institute from Vienna University of Economics, who are SIAA Organisational Members.

What is the group working on?

The group has hosted six sub-group meetings on specific issues around social impact analysis. These specific issues are:

  • Identifying and discussing different indicators for measuring social impact
  • Including social impact measurement (indicators) in existing reporting systems of profit-oriented corporations
  • Using social impact analysis and its results for management control
  • Screening and clustering of impact analysis methods along relevant categories

What are the groups aims?

  • To develop a leading group of social impact experts in Austria and the German-speaking countries;
  • To enhance knowledge about social impact and social impact analyses;
  • To promote outcome- or impact-oriented thinking instead of output-oriented KPIs; and
  • To develop a mutual understanding of problems concerning social impact topics (measurement, reporting etc.) in different institutional and organisational backgrounds

What has been achieved so far? 

A wider group of people that are interested in the topic of social impact analysis has been established who meet 2-3 times a year. Four additional subgroups have been established that work regularly on the above mentioned topics.

The group communicates via email and through the SIAA-Austria Impact Group LinkedIn page.

To find out more about the group email [email protected].