What is social impact analysis and why is it important?
Social impact analysis is the process of analysing the social changes, both positive and negative, which arise from an organisation’s policies, programmes, or projects. Social impact analysis helps to create positive social change by helping non-profit and mission-driven organisations better understand and improve their impact.
Non-profit and mission-driven organisations engage in social impact analysis for many different reasons, including to establish what works and what doesn’t, prove their value for money, and work more transparently. For government and the third sector, having solid information on the social outcomes of the work they do is crucial. By providing robust measurement of their social output, managers can gain a better understanding of their work and refine the way they go about it to maximise their effectiveness.
Who are SIAA’s members?
SIAA membership is open to anyone with an interest in social impact analysis. Our membership is broad and reaches across different policy and geographical areas, the better to promote peer learning and knowledge exchange. In particular, our membership consists of:
- Nonprofits: charities, NGOs, social enterprises and nonprofit analysts
- Grant-making trusts
- Venture philanthropists
- Philanthropic advisors
- Social impact consultants
- Academics
- Rating bodies
- Accountants
- Auditors
How can I get involved in SIAA’s work?
SIAA’s work is almost entirely member-led. We are always looking for thoughtful blogs, updates on the sector, helpful hints about things happening in different bits of the world. If you have any ideas for upcoming events, have a case study you’d like to share or have a venue that you think would be suitable for a SIAA networking event, please contact us with your suggestions.
What’s SIAA’s story?
SIAA has been set up following several years of extensive consultation with the voluntary and philanthropy sectors in the UK, Europe and North America, including ‘Valuing impact’ conference in the summer of 2009 and market research in 2007, where participants and respondents showed their enthusiasm for the idea of a new professional body. The conference report is available.
The founding partners of the SIA Association are:
- The Adessium Foundation: a private foundation located in the Netherlands,
- The Bertlesmann Foundation: a private foundation based in Germany,
- New Philanthropy Capital (NPC): a UK-based charity think tank and consultancy, and
- PricewaterhouseCoopers Germany: the auditing and consultancy company’s German branch.
Is SIAA a registered charity?
SIAA is registered as a charity (No 1142874) in England and Wales since May 2011, as a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (No 7568122).
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